Last night we had the opportunity to go to a court of honor for the scouts in our ward. It was a full house, and many merit badges were awarded to the scouts, including Jayce and Alek. My boys were awarded 9 merit badges and 2 rank advancements. I am so proud of them and all the hard work they have put forth as they have completed each merit badge. Three of the baddges they earned were commemorative badges for the 2010 year only, the 100th year of scouting. For the anniversary the BSA brought back, for 1 year only, badges that have been dissolved or are no longer offered. I am proud to say that Jayce and Alek earned three of those four. They earned caprentry, tracking, and pathfinding. The only one we did not get is signaling, and that's because we just didn't have time.
I guess I never realized all the work that goes into each and every merit badge. But, holy cow, it's a lot! Jayce and Alek are 2 required merit badges, and a 6 month waiting period away from being a life scout. This means that in September we start Eagle projects. YIKES!!! I am so excited for the boys to become Eagles. They are excited too. We talked to them last night about what their projects will entail, and the hard work and dedication they are going to have to put forth. We decided on two projects and hope they will get apporoved when the time comes. Although I don't see why they wouldn't, they are AWESOME, and also very TOP SECRET! I don't want anyone to borrow our ideas. We had a hard time coming up with the ones we have. So please pray that they get approved when we submit them this fall. And be prepared to get a phone call in September. We will need lots of help! Our goal is to have both boys completely done and awarded their Eagles in March of 2012. It's going to be a fun roller coaster ride the next 12 months, but so incredibly worth it. I am excited to see them dive in and get started. I hope they are as excited as me and Grant. They seem to be, but we will see as we get heavy into their projects.
I love being a mother of boys (especially twin boys). It has taken me out of my "girly" element and forced me to learn so much. There are somethings I think I was better off NEVER knowing, but just the same, I have learned and continue to learn all there is to know about boys. Good and bad.
The scout law says; A scout is, Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent. I see all of these qualities in my boys. (Well, except maybe the reverent part. They are boys, I can only expect so much!) They work hard to do what they know is right and to be good boy scouts so that they can receive their Eagles worthily.
I am so proud to be their mom. They make me proud every second of every day! I have been blessed with these two sweet and gentle spirits. I am so glad they let me be their mom! Motherhood is the best job in the world, and though I am not as good at it as I should be, they are patient with me and give me hugs and kisses every day, and tell me they love me, even when I am a snot! I love you Jayce and Alek! Heavenly Father knew how much I needed you, I am so glad he sent you to me.
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