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Sweet, funny, a hardworker, loving, kind and a good friend to anyone he meets. He will make you laugh and then say "what? What I say? What I do?" He's a very funny boy!


Sweet, calm, friendly, kind and loving. He will do whatever he can to make you happy, and strives to be a the best person he can.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Warning, Long post and lots of rambling.

I have said it before and I will say it again.  I love my family.  With out them I would not be who I am. 
I have been contemplating family a lot the last little bit.  Maybe I have been putting to much emphasis on spending time as family, maybe I rely on my family to much, maybe I require to much out of them, both my little family, and my parents, brothers and sisters.  Maybe family isn't what I think it is, so I looked up the definition of family and this is what I found "a basic social unit consisting of parents and their children, considered as a group, whether dwelling together or not: the traditional family."  I didn't like this definition.  It's very vague and It doesn't seem to describe a family unit, or the reason we have families.  I couldn't find what I was looking for, so I knelt down in prayer and asked my Heavenly Father to help me.  I felt the spirit with me and it testified to me that family is all of the things that I mentioned and more.  I also felt directed to read The Family  A Proclamation to the World. I believe that the proclamation was given to us to preserve our families and I am grateful that was I was directed to read it again.  It renewed my faith that families are forever and that we have a purpose within our familiy.  In the procalamtion it says "Family is central to the creator's plan" 
“The disintegration of the family will bring upon individuals, communities, and nations the calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets.”
And the last words of the proclamation express the simple truth that the family is “the fundamental unit of society.”
The proclamation’s clear and simple language stands in contrast to the confused and convoluted notions of a society that cannot even agree on a definition of family, let alone supply the help and support parents and families need.
I found on this statement.
"...Public opinion surveys indicate that people everywhere in the world generally consider the family as the highest priority..."
"Joseph F. Smith said: “There can be no genuine happiness separate and apart from the home, and every effort made to sanctify and preserve its influence is uplifting to those who toil and sacrifice for its establishment. Men and women often seek to substitute some other life for that of the home; they would make themselves believe that the home means restraint; that the highest liberty is the fullest opportunity to move about at will. There is no happiness without service, and there is no service greater than that which converts the home into a divine institution, and which promotes and preserves family life”
President Harold B. Lee said "The Church is the kingdom of God on earth, but in the kingdom of heaven, families will be both the source of our eternal progress and joy and the order of our Heavenly Father. As we are often reminded, we will be released one day from our Church callings; but if we are worthy, we will never be released from our family relationships."
I am in love with my family.  I don't want to EVER not be with them.  It breaks my heart, and brings me to tears to think of losing a family member.  I am grateful for each member in my family.  Each one brings a different dynamic to our family.  We aren't perfect, but we are strong.  We make mistakes, but we love each other.  We may not live near one another, but we are always there for each other. 
My definition of family is a unit made up of different personalities, traits, and talents, created by a mother and father who love each other, and each child, who also love one another.  A unit that spends time together and apart yet still has a bond stronger than any element found on earth a family is made up of both Unconditional love, and devotion. 
Family is important to me and needs to remain a focal point in my life.  My life revolves around family.  I hope my boys, my husband, my parents, and my siblings all know this.  You are my life, and I will always be here for you.  I can't think of anything in this world more important to me than you!
I want to clarify that when I say family, siblings, parents, sisters, brothers, etc. I mean EVERYONE, in-laws and all!  

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